
American Invasion Of Iraq Justified Essay

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Was the American Invasion of Iraq Justified?

The Iraq War was a 8-year conflict between a US-led coalition and Saddam Hussein’s regime. The Bush Administration suspected that Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and was planning attacks on American soil. On the Twentieth of March, 2003 the US invaded Iraq and within weeks, toppled the government ( Many historians question whether the Americans actually had the justification to invade Iraq. Given the information that American intelligence had at the time, it is clear that the American invasion was justified. The Americans acted to secure what they thought to be a large cache of WMD, they upheld international law and they offered a deterrent against future attacks. …show more content…

Members of the Bush administration suspected that Saddam Hussein had aided Osama Bin-Laden and more so President Bush himself named Iraq as a member of the “Axis of Evil”, any country that develops WMD and is known to support terrorism ( In a post 9/11 society, the world could not take the chance for another terrorist attack on American soil. The Americans had to do something to ensure that Saddam would not fire his missiles at them or sell them to terrorist that would (Pollak). Saddam refused to cooperate with the United Nations and to hand over his WMD. The Secretary of State at the time, Madeleine Albright is quoted to have said “Iraq is a long way from [America], but what happens there matters a great deal. The risk that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us is the greatest threat we face” (Weapons). The US government was terrified that Saddam would launch a rocket at them and that a ‘9/11’ like event would happen once again. They could not wait for this to happen so they had to take the preemptive measures and take these WMD by

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