
American Grand Strategy

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A common characteristic of What Good is Grand Strategy: Power and Purpose in American Statecraft from Harry S. Truman to George W. Bush and The Myth of America’s Decline: Politics, Economics and a Half Century of False Prophecies is they both talk about the histories of what has happened to America since after World War II. I am arguing that both books give the best example of how and why the United States is still seen as an empire and still a very powerful nation. Thanks to the default power and grand strategic choices they made in the past 60 years. The first book, What Good is Grand Strategy: Power and Purpose in American Statecraft from Harry S. Truman to George W. Bush talks about the importance of Grand strategy. According to Brands …show more content…

S is still a great power. Joffe treats these repeated failed prophecies to the merciless debunking they deserve. Envious foreigners and nervous Americans alike have predicted the imminent demise of American power due to an allegedly failed educational system, the superior performance of foreign rivals, budget and trade deficits. Joffe makes a strong case that a mix of Chinese vulnerabilities and American strengths means it is unlikely that China will replace the United States anytime soon as the center of the global …show more content…

I disagree, I think the United States always continue to be an empire power. For example many of the declinists had argued that the United States will no longer be a unipolarity. That because of the GDP and education rises in China, the world will become a multipolarity which means the United States empire will fall. Joffe argued that the world is far from multipolar which is a system of several coequal powers balancing one another while jostling or fighting for advantage (Joffe, 218). Thanks to the grand strategy, the United States has been able to keep itself on the top, because of what Truman did with the Marshall Plan and Reagan did to defeat the Soviet Union, proves to other nations that their power is untouchable. No one has the idea or ability to compare and compete with the United

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