
American Foreign Policy

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American Foreign Policy Foreign policy is defined as a policy of a nation that is used to persuade its dealing with other nations, that has a main goal of achieving national objectives. Foreign policy has an origin time of about 1905-1910. During the early years of foreign policy American thought it should practice political isolation from Europe during times of peace in other words they wanted to be more iso-global. This idea was derived by America’s diplomats during these early years. This foreign policy helped to keep America out of foreign relations for a short amount of time, so it didn’t need to waste it resource on actions that didn’t really affect them. Foreign policy was created to help achieve the country’s goals and interests for …show more content…

This tension was from America’s government and their resentment for communism and The Soviet Union tyrant Joseph Stalin. As tensions grew high it started to spark the Cold War (1947-1991) between America and The Soviet Union. Containment was an attempt to try to contain communism in Europe and not let is spread and hopefully with the lack of spreading communism would shrink and die. The Truman Doctrine was an attempt by President Truman to try and stop the spread of communism this stated that America would help any country in need that was about to be taken over by the communist party. The Berlin Blockade was a major crisis for America in the Cold War during the Berlin Wall era West Berlin wasn’t a part of the communist East Berlin. During the seperation of Berlin all supplies from West Berlin were cut off at that time America, Britain, and France helped them out by delivering supplies. In an attempt to block off all access to West Berlin The Soviet Union put up barricades around Berlin in order to limit Britain, France, and America access into Berlin, so they wouldn’t be able to come to their side of Berlin. Nuclear Deterrence is the type of deterrence we began in the Cold War. Deterrence is the building up of one's army and weapons in order to deter the other country from initiating war. During the cold War America and The Soviet …show more content…

When Germany U Boat sank an American submarine that was neutral during the time America decided to enter into the war on the side of the Allied Powers (1917) by declaring war on Germany. Thousands of soldiers (doughboys) were drafted and sent to intense training and would later be sent to Europe to fight side by side the Allied Powers. In order to gain more power germany made a truce with Russia, so that they would fight side Germany the armistice was signed and Russia also entered the war. American troops first arrived in France to help give allied forced more power to win the war. President at the time Woodrow Wilson gave his 14 point to to make peace and en the war January of 1918. Russia signs Brest-Litovsk Treaty with Germany that allowed Russia to withdraw from the war. American troop participate in their first major battle sending 4,000 troops to the Battle of Cantigny, which the allied power would later win bringing them closer to the end and victory of WW1. The Battle of Amiens allowed the allied

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