
American Culture: A Brief Summary

Decent Essays

This paper will be reviewing an American family experience in Russia. Clifford J. Levy became a foreign correspondent for The New York Times and brought his entire family with him to Moscow, Russia in 2006. He and Julie are parents of three children – Danya (fifth grade), Arden (third grade), and Emmett (kindergarten). This journal mostly focuses on their kids’ experience throughout the years and how they blended into Russian education system and its culture. The kids’ view of changing their environment and the language was really interesting aspects to bilingualism and bilingual kids.
It was hard for them to keep up academically since all the classes taught in Russian with no translation. They had to learn academic aspects while they breaking their language barriers. It was really challenging in the beginning; however, they gets comfortable as their Russian skill gets better. It took time and effort from all of them regardless of age difference. The three kids had different degree of difficulty to adjust into new situation. After a while, they all gets comfortable with the language, culture, and environment. The fact of Danya became a member of Olympiad team and Arden was excelling at Russian grammar …show more content…

The struggles of them going through can easily be related to each immigrant family here in the U.S. The most of the context could easily help the audience to understand immigrant family challenges and obstacles they face in their daily life. Also, it could encourage the rural people to support the ones going through tough times adjusting their lives in various places. In the end of the interview, they all mentioned the beauty of experiencing other culture and what they would miss once they leave. The conclusion they made proved that every culture could offer something beautiful that they didn’t know its

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