
American Colonization Effects

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American Colonization And The Effects of the American Revolution

By the late 1400's all of Europe was looking for one thing, a quicker trade route to Asia. Columbus in his quest to find that discovered the Carribean Islands, bringing back new goods and a thirst for more. With his return many countries sent out their own explorers. Spain spread out their expeditions which lead them to new teritiores and acquiring gold and silver. Spain was the first to colonize in the area and with doing so they set a standard the would be followed later on for the American colonies. They wanted heavy control of the colony including what was imported there and religous practices. They researched those they wanted to send to the colony and all but legalized …show more content…

Although the first attempt to colonize failed, England would go on to try again and eventually have a populas community in the America . The key proved to be realizing that the local Indians were conguerable and bringing livestock and starters for crops from the motherland. After the British colonies had a strong foothold in the Americas, they began to flourish. Tobacco farming was a huge part of that. They found that they could even produce a better tobacco than the Natives. Shipping goods back to Britian, food was isnt in such short supply anymore. The population in cities like London began to soar. Competition for jobs and homes became especially feirce. Some british were obligated to land or land owners by serfdom and nonchristians could be enslaved. To add to the mix, King Henry seperated for the Roman Catholic Church, establishing the Church of England. Many Puritians and Separists felt this was not enough and wanted to do away with the church hierarchy altogether. They didnt believe that God had given the king the direct right to rule over …show more content…

But after the war the U.S. had a new agenda for the Indians, push them farther west and "civilize them". Farming was thought of as mens work and hunting was considered a savage sport. America wanted Indian males to farm and plow, not the women. They gave them livestock and tried to teach them about agriculture. At first they were resistant but after an Indian named "Lake Handsome" had a vision, the Native Americans decide to adopting these new gender roles would surely help them adapt to the new world. Although new skills were learned, the revolution did not benefit the Indians in the same way as

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