
American Colonialism Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

What was the Influence of European Colonialism on the First Wave of the Rwandan Genocide?

Erin Mahan
AP World History 2AB
May 23, 2018 Hintjens, Helen M. “Explaining the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda.” The Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 37, no. 2, 1999, pp. 241–286. JSTOR, JSTOR, 21 May 2018. Credentials of the source: Look up online:
Helen Hintjens is a Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Social Studies in the Netherlands. She is regarded as an expert in her field and presents papers at international conferences multiple times per year. Those conferences include UNRISD and the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration. She reviews major funding proposals and advised UK All-Party Committees. Dr. Hintjens has worked in many African countries such as Burundi, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, and Tanzania. This experience and learning in the countries that she writes a lot of her papers on makes her a valid source of information. She has been there to study the effects and she …show more content…

Hintjens work could result from the fact that she is a white person from Western Europe who caused most of the African conflicts that she studies. However, she is extremely dedicated to her work and has spent time in the countries that she writes about, so the bias in her work is minimal. If anything, it would be the opposite direction and she would be against the Western Europe that caused what she studies (forced migration, gender and nationalism, Rwandan social justice after the genocide, etc.). Another source of bias could stem from the fact that she has spent so many years of her life studying the tragedies in Africa as past happenings and describing them in academic sense. She may be a bit reluctant to see the continued suffering of the people because she has focused so much on the past. However, her current credentials do not lead me to believe in

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