
American Ballet Theatre Research Paper

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The American Ballet Theatre (ABT) is one of the most famous and well-respected ballet companies in the world. Living inside New York City, the company performs at the Lincoln Center. When the dancers are not performing at the Lincoln Center, they are most likely touring the cities of the world. The company has influenced many little boys and girls of all different backgrounds to become future dancers. American Ballet Theatre has shaped ballet training by breaking boundaries. It has introduced inspiring new performers and choreographers over the years, such as George Balanchine, Mikhail Baryshnikov and Misty Copeland.

ABT was found by Lucia Chase and Oliver Smith, under …show more content…

Her name is Misty Copeland. She gained even more fame from a commercial for Under Armour, and is a spokesperson for many other companies in the United States. Misty started ballet at the age of 13, which is very old for ballet. She lived in San Pedro, with her mom and five siblings. They were poor, living in a small motel room, leaving Misty to sleep on the floor with her other siblings. At the time of discovery, Misty was drill team captain at her middle school, when her coach noticed her special talent. She told Misty to take a free ballet class at the Boys and Girls club in San Pedro. Reluctantly, she went, feeling embarrassed, considering she knew nothing about ballet. The ballet instructor, Cindy Bradley, who taught the class, noticed her special talent and encouraged her to take more class. Eventually, Misty began to learn more and develop her skills faster. Cindy decided she needed more training, so she went to talk to Misty's mom. Once Cindy noticed their poor living conditions, Cindy asked Misty's mother if she can take Misty to live with her during the week to focus on ballet studies. Once her mom agreed, Misty's ballet career opened up. Misty loved living with the Bradleys and especially loved that she got to dance ballet much more. Cindy recommended she began homeschooling to focus on her dancing more. She won awards, …show more content…

It opened up many opportunities for not only the African American ballerinas, but for all ballerinas of all races. Most ballerinas that are not in professional companies, don't have a preferred ballet body, but Misty showed the critics that anyone can be a ballerina. Her curves and brown skin is the most relatable aspect of the ballet world to the everday folks. People of different race and body type may have felt scared or had a lack of confidence to dance ballet before. Now these people may become even better performers, now that they know Misty accomplished her dreams. People who didn't have confidence before definitely gained self worth and

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