
America And The Great War

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America and the Great War At the turn of 19-20 centuries, capitalism has evolved into imperialism. The world was almost completely divided between the major powers. Unbalance of economic and socio-political development of the countries increased. States, after others entered the path of capitalist development (United States, Germany, Japan), quickly moved forward and pushed aside from global markets old capitalist countries - Great Britain and France, aggressively seeking redistribution of colonies. The most acute contradictions have arisen between Germany and Great Britain, whose interests were encountered in many areas of the globe, but especially in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, where German imperialism mainly directed its trade and colonial expansion. Deep were contradictions between Germany and France. Their sources were, on the one hand, the desire of Germany to perpetuate Alsace and Lorraine, taken from France as a result of the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871), and on the other, - the determination of the French to return these areas (Audoin-Rouzeau & Becker, 2002). French and German interests clashed in colonial question: France attempts to seize Morocco met with strong opposition from Germany also applying for this territory. Since the late 19th century Russian-German conflict grew. The expansion of German imperialism in the Middle East, its attempts to establish control over Turkey affected the economic, political and military-strategic interests of Russia.

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