
Ambition And Wealth In Macbeth

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Depth and breadth are two qualities that make Macbeth great literature. Depth is how deeply the experience or tale reaches into the human soul or spirit. Breadth is how broadly the experience or tale reaches across many cultures and across the centuries. In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, caution and wisdom in dealing with the temptations of evil, integrity, and wariness in trusting others help the play to become great literature.
Caution and wisdom in dealing with the temptations of evil qualifies Macbeth as great literature. Throughout the first part of the play, Macbeth lacks caution and wisdom in dealing with the temptations of evil. Macbeth believes the witches when they say he will “be King hereafter” (Shakespeare 1.3.50). Macbeth becomes …show more content…

After the witches tell Macbeth the will become King, he immediately loses his integrity. Macbeth and his wife decide to kill the King, so he can become King. During a banquet, after the King declared his son Prince of Cumberland, Macbeth talks to himself and tries to decide wether to kill the King or not. Throughout his decision, Macbeth comes up with three reason not to kill the King, but only one reason to kill him, vaulting ambition. He eventually goes through with his plan and kills the King. Macbeth was named King shortly after. Because Macduff did not attend his coronation, Macbeth assumed he couldn't trust him, so he ordered to “give to th’ edge o’ th’ sward his wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his lane” (4.1.151-53). Macduff and Banquo, unlike Macbeth, had integrity. Macduff, once he heard Macbeth was going to be King, went to England to tell Malcolm about Macbeth. When Macduff arrived in England, Malcolm didn't think he could trust him. Malcolm tests Macduff to make sure he can trust him. Malcolm, after multiple tests, knows he can trust Macduff. Banquo, one of Macbeth’s trusting friends, eventually knows he can not trust Macbeth. Banquo knows how bad Macbeth wants to be king, and he knows Macbeth will do anything to become king. When the King was killed, Banquo knew that Macbeth did something wrong. When Banquo tells Macbeth that “it was said it should not stand in thy posterity, but that …show more content…

Throughout the play, Macbeth seems to trust almost everyone. Macbeth trusted the witches prophecies of becoming “Thane of Cawdor” (1.3.49) and “King hereafter” (1.3.50) right after they told him. The witches prophecies blurred his conscience from making the right decisions. Later on in the play, Macbeth went to the witches to get information about the future. The witches show him three apparitions to tell his future. The apparitions told him to fear macduff, no woman born would hurt him, and he will not be conquered until the Birnan woods reached his castle. Macbeth believed that he could never be overthrown or killed. What he didn't notice was Macduff was a cesarean baby, and, eventually, Macbeth was killed by Macduff. Banquo, unlike Macbeth, was cautious when it came to trusting people. Banquo didn't believe the witches when they said to him that “thou shalt get kings, though thou be none” (1.3.67). Later on, Banquo doesn't trust Macbeth because he knows he wants to be king so bad that he will do anything. Banquo knew something was wrong when the King was killed, because it was very suspicious. He knew Macbeth did something

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