
Amazon : The Key Impact Of Globalization In The Amazon

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Globalization is a growing part of everyday businesses. This is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments of different nations. With the world of online retail, the buying and selling to one person to another has grown drastically. There has also been a substantial change in technology and what we as people can do in today’s time rather than in the past. Amazon is a huge retail giant and buying and selling items is one of their key functions. The impact made on Amazon is nothing but an advantage. Amazon currently is the 56th largest company in America by market capitalization. Being one the largest retailer around, 15th in the nation at that, Amazon has made a name for themselves. Amazon has made some very substantial growths and with these opportunities they face they can make even more advances in the future. (Globalization 101, 2016)
Luckily for, this company is one the largest retail sellers in the online world. Amazon is a company with a single enterprise that has risen to the top of the Most Innovative Companies List. It has been increased to this fortitude due to this company’s innovative ideas and the ideas for growth for their consumers as well. As technology had changed, so did Amazon by offering Prime which was a membership that could be purchased to allow the consumer to acquire items faster and receive the products more quickly.
The economic life of this company has been made possible by the fact the Amazon

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