
Essay on Amazing Grace

Better Essays

Jonathan Kozol's Amazing Grace is a book about the trials

and tribulations of everyday life for a

group of children who live in the poorest congressional

district of the United States, the South Bronx. Their lives

may seem extraordinary to us, but to them, they are just as

normal as everyone else. What is normal? For the children

of the South Bronx, living with the pollution, the sickness, the

drugs, and the violence is the only way of life many of them

have ever known.

In this book, the children speak openly and honestly about

feeling 'abandoned', 'hidden' or 'forgotten' by our nation, one

that is blind to their problems. Studying the people

themselves would only get us so far in understanding what

their community is really …show more content…


environmental factor that affects the resident's healths has to

do with how most of the buildings in these neighborhoods

are run down and infested with rats. Many of the buildings

have no working elevators. This causes people to have to

walk several flights of stairs each time they want to leave

their apartments. This is very time consuming and tiresome.

Then, when they find that there is so much violence and

drugs in the street, that it is not safe to be out there anyway,

they usually end up staying in their apartments for most of

their free time.

The cultural differences between these people and others of

higher income communities is also a

reason why they may have problems. Racism is very

obvious to the people of the South Bronx, especially

when they go outside of their district. If a woman from this

area goes to a hospital outside of her

district, a hospital that is more than likely wealthier and

cleaner, she is usually turned away and told to go to a

hospital in her own district. Others, who are admitted into

these hospitals, are put on a special floor, mainly for the

lower income or Medicaid patients. (Amazing Grace, p.


Another way the government discriminates against them is

how they are housed. Most of the

residents are living in government housing where the

government pays their rent. When the government

helped the people

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