
Alzheimer's Disease Research Paper

Decent Essays

Pathophysiology Alzheimer’s disease
Author: Sandi Lopez
MTC – Ms. Bullard

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurological progressive degenerative disease that has debilitating effects on those stricken. While Alzheimer’s disease will manifest itself in the aged, it can also appear as early as the 40’s. Additionally, Alzheimer’s disease does affect both genders, but is more harshly prevalent with female population. Female population usually represents 60% of the Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis. There is no known cause for this disease only speculation that it could come from environmental or genetic risk factors. It is believed that the brain size shrinks allowing for fewer nerve cells and connections to make communication. Along with nerve cells …show more content…

My first patient was extremely socialable, outspoken, and did not seem to have the classic symptoms as of someone with Alzheimer’s. He has newly started on a medication to help control his outburst; it seemed to work because I had to ask the nurse why this man was in this part of the nursing home. On the other hand, the next day I interviewed another patient and he displayed the typical symptoms of Alzheimer’s. I approached this man a couple of times to see if I would receive different answers and true to form, he did answer differently to the same posed …show more content…

After the disease progresses, long term memory will start to fade in and out. At this point, the patient can become more delusional or violent in nature. The patient can get depressed or anxious because they are not able to communicate as they once were able to do so. They will eventually not be able to care for themselves independently and wander off if unsupervised. Some of the other common symptoms may be swallowing difficulties, ability to read, write, recognition of objects, sounds or even people. Eventually the client will become totally dependent on others for their daily care. Their care may be home care or nursing home because this is an irreversible

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