
Alzheimer's Disease Research Paper

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The disease was first noted and observed in 1907 by a German physician, Dr. Alois Alzheimer.. In the neurological autopsy on the brain of Auguste D. , who died after several years of continuous mental deterioration marked by increasing confusion and memory loss. He also noticed a wierd disorganization of the nerve cells in her cerebral cortex, the part of the brain responsible for reasoning and memory. The cells were bunched up like a bunch of ants crawling. He also noted a shocking gathering of cellular debris around the affected nerves, which he named senile plaques. In a medical journal article published in 1905, Alzheimer speculated that the nerve tangles and plaques were responsible for the women s dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is a …show more content…

Basic skills such as eating or drinking are forgotten. Because of eating problems, many patients may recall, a huge loss of body weight, up to 20-30 percent. They may eventually lose their ability to maintain balance and walk. Their ability to recognize other persons and their environment is gone. Both long- and short-term memories are lost. At this stage, persons affected require intense 24-hour observation and often become stuck to the bed and inactive. Because of this, they are at increased risk for ant infection, especially pneumonia, and consequently are far more likely to …show more content…

The latest in finding a cure has contributed to the treatment of leprosy and arthritis. The treatment of both leprosy and arthritis involves massive doses of medications known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDS). These drugs include common, over-the-counter medications as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen(Naprosyn), but not acetaminophen(Tylenol). With women being at a huge risk for contacting Alzheimer s disease, the use of estrogen after menopause has lowered the risk. Estrogen increases the making of acetylcholine, a key chemical neurotransmitter involved in the transmission of nerve impulses across the small gaps between nerve cells(synapses). In addition, estrogen improves blood flow through the brain and enhances verbal abilities of postmenopausal women who take hormone replacement

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