
Always Running Rodriguez Quotes

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Grillo changes significantly throughout the story Always Running. His first sign of change begins when he encounters “ Thee Mystics ”. Thee Mystics were a group of Misguided, violent teens who left their mark in the form of bullets on the unsuspecting Elementary School Grillo attended, and in the mist of terror the boy who had previously only known the receiving end of fear now wanted to be the one delivering it. We see this to be true in chapter two with this quote (p.42); “I wanted this power. I wanted to be able to bring a whole school to its knees and even make teachers squirm.” With this we see the start of a long and painful path Luis J. Rodriguez has chosen to walk down. We watch as the child who was abused physically …show more content…

It was a jacket I could try to take off, but they kept putting it back on.” Luis felt he couldn’t ever escape the stereotypes that followed him like a plagued so he stopped trying. Instead Grillo allowed himself to be consumed by the horror of the streets, a life of turf battles, hard mind-numbing drugs, alcohol, and free sex. At the age of eleven Luis joined his first gang, a few years later at the age of thirteen he is a pill popping, sexually active delinquent. Luis’ first memory of school wasn’t a good one, in his first elementary class the teacher who was supposed to take him in and teach him, help nurture him, encourage him, and inspire his will to learn did nothing but completely write him off for the simple fact that this child didn’t speak english. She “couldn’t deal with him” so she sat him in a corner and ignored him. The situation was no different when Grillo was sent to another class, yet again he was sat in a corner the only difference this time being that the teacher was a little nicer about telling him he wasn’t wanted. However despite the sweetness she injected into her voice Luis still knew he wasn’t wanted, so due to his mistreatment he became reluctant to talk to anyone; even to ask to go the bathroom. As Grillo got older his outlook on school only got worse, he became a troubled child

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