
Aluminum Synthesis Lab

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In this experiment, alum was synthesized from aluminum. The goal was to calculate the number if water moles that are part of alum’s crystalized structure. This research into the number of moles of water in alum’s structure is important because the number of moles of water within the alum contribute to it’s structure. Alum is a hydrated crystal, or a number of hydrates bonded to an ion that can also be referred to as potassium aluminum sulfate dodecahydrate. There are 12 hydrates bonded to the potassium aluminum sulfate ion. Alum is also a double salt, because it contains two cations: potassium and aluminum. Aluminum has a plethora of uses from household objects such as kettles and door knobs to construction where it is used to construct bridges, …show more content…

Potassium hydroxide was added to aluminum and water, forming potassium aluminum hydroxide and hydrogen gas. Sulfuric acid was then added to the previous product, forming alum and water. Research by Kebbi State University’s A.U Birnin- Yauri and Musa Aliyu is being done in concern to how aluminum waste can be converted into alum as a environmentally friendly way of reducing pollution and producing a useful product in alum. This method is more environmentally friendly and cost effective then synthesizing new aluminum. Alum can be used as baking powder, for pickling, leather tanning, in paper production, and water purification amongst other things. Recycling aluminum to alum can reduce carbon dioxide production by 95% as opposed to synthesizing aluminum. As aluminum ore is being depleted, and pollution is an ever-growing dilemma, disposing of soda cans and scrap aluminum is crucial to preserving the environment. Synthesizing alum, a useful substance could provide a solution to the pollution scrap aluminum presents. Harshita Sachdeva, Diksha Dwivedi, and Rekha Saroj of the Mody Institute of Technology and science in India have done research on alum as a green solution to a catalyst to break down and reduce waste. Typically, hazardous solvents are used to break down waste, however alum is being investigated to be used as a catalyst in organic synthesis. The benefits to using alum include its tendency to be environmentally and cost friendly. The institutes research is researching how alum can replace otherwise toxic, damaging catalysts in synthesis reactions because it is a safe material in low doses. This experiment complements both of these research projects through the understanding of how alum is produced from aluminum. This supplements the research being done at Kebbi State because aluminum waste is a growing concern, and

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