
Alternative Energy In The United States

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In the United States, major fossil-fuel-burning energy-producing industries dominate: they are more widely used, they produce more energy, and they severely harm the environment. I believe that the United States should move towards alternative energies that don’t burn fossil fuels to produce energy, such as solar, wind, geothermal, and hydroelectric power, because they, despite their currently high price point, provide large amounts of pollution free-energy, which will increase energy independence due to their ability to easily produce electricity within the nation and create amounts of electricity competitive to those of conventional energies. Alternative energies, “energy sources which are not based on the burning of fossil fuels or the splitting of atoms,” (qtd. in “What Are Alternative”) are a controversial issue in the United States today. Because of their cost and existence that goes against normal American energy standards, efficient forms of alternative energy generation, like solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal energy generation have faced a bit of a social stigma in the past, where people associate those who use alternative energies to be either hippies or hipsters. Because of their general unpopularity, alternative energies have seen little use in America, with the country heavily relying on more …show more content…

So, if America began creating more and more alternative energy facilities, there would be more and more jobs created to fill out all the tasks needed to keep the facility operational. With the implementation of alternative energy facilities in the United States, the question of whether or not the electricity made from alternative energy can compete with that of conventional energy-generating methods. My answer is

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