
Alpha Polaris Themes

Decent Essays

The story of Alpha Polaris is an interesting take on familiar themes. The game draws inspiration from the works of H.P. Lovecraft and John Carpenter's The Thing. Alpha Polaris' story unravels over four days and nights on the frozen tundra of Greenland.

Alpha Polaris stars Rune Knudsen. A 28-year old biologist from Norway who is researching his thesis on polar bears. Rune's environmental focus sometimes puts him at odds with the other researchers. Initially, Rune has three colleagues at the station. There is Al, an older researcher turned oil prospector, who Rune sometimes clash heads with. Tully, a handy-man of sorts. The most important supporting character however, has to be Nova. She is an Inuit from Canada, also performing research at …show more content…

It seems their usefulness is limited to how they advance and/or react to the plot. And their responses are sometimes kind of archetypal for the specific role they are fulfilling within the narrative (i.e. villain, love-interest etc). The little characterization present sadly comes off as inorganic info-dumps.

The game's story starts off strong. You are awoken by Tully, who beckons you to join him outside. Turmoil Games were clever, giving you time to familiarize yourself with your surroundings and the controls before you walk outside. Pro-tip: spend some time noting where objects are located, since Rune won't pick-up anything he doesn't currently need.

When you are ready, you exit the station and meet up with Tully. Together you climb the ladder to the roof, and see the polar-bear who stalks the base. A well-placed shot from your tranquilizer rifle sedates her, and you lock her up in a cage, with the intention of treating her. In my opinion, this is the best section of the game. It cleverly teaches you the various mechanics and rules of the game in a fitting opening. Where the characters are behaving and doing what you feel they are supposed to

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