Alopecia Areata
Patricia Braun
Barry University
Author Note
This paper was prepared for BIO-302 taught by Doctor Garramone
Alopecia Areata
My daughter was a year and a half when she was diagnosed with Alopecia areata. “Alopecia areata is considered an autoimmune disease, in which the immune system, which is designed to protect the body from foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria, mistakenly attacks the hair follicles, the structures from which hairs grow. This can lead to hair loss on the scalp and elsewhere” ( Alopecia areata is not a life threatening disease but it is a traumatic disease.
When my daughter was eight months old she had a high fever. I was working nights and had my older sister watching my daughter. On this particular night I got off early and when I walked in the house I heard my daughter crying in her crib. My sister informed me that I was babying my daughter too much and she had to learn how to go to sleep by herself and self soothe. That is how she raised her kids and
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We used every type of topical treatment used for Alopecia areata at that time which included: topical minoxidol, anthralin cream and ointment, and corticosteroids. We didn’t have much success and one patch turned into several patches that were growing larger. I decided to bring her to the “Philadelphia Children’s Hospital” because I thought, what better place is there to bring your child than a Children’s Hospital that specializes in children. I was so young and naïve I truly believed they would have all the answers and I would be able to save my baby from years of emotional pain. I was wrong. I was on an emotional rollercoaster and was making decisions with my heart instead of thinking
Going through cosmetology school gave you the expertise you need to cut and style hair. People come to you because you make them look and feel their best. Unfortunately, you never know when an accident can happen, and no amount of training or professionalism can prevent every mishap. When these things do occur, you want to make sure you and your business are protected with the Cosmetology Insurance Program through Foy Insurance.
Melanie Gaydos has an abnormal disorder called ectodermal dysplasia. It affects her hair, nails, skin and teeth. This occurred when her cells were becoming specialized. This happens within 2 weeks of pregnancy. She is unable to grow hair, because it all grows inside.
There are treatments to make living with this disorder a little easier. Babies born with this need immediate and intensive care in the NICU. Babies born with this are less able to maintain a safe body temperature. They are more prone to fluid loss, dehydration, and life threatening infections. In their first week of life to have any chance of survival they may need: intravenous tubes to deliver fluids and nutrients. They also need monitoring of electrolytes and sodium, lubrication for their eyes if they’re forced open. With having this disorder they have a hard time keeping their body temperatures normal, which means they need help in doing so… They need to be in a high humidity incubator to even maintain a normal body temperature and prevent cracks in their skin. The Doctors can prescribe antibiotics so the infection does not spread any further. Doctor can also prescribe retinoids which is any type of cream to accelerate the shedding of the skins scales. It is an ongoing treatment of keeping the skin moisturized and avoid more scaling or cracking that could lead to more infection. How long do babies diagnosed with this disorder
This is not known for sure if this is what alopecia areata is. It is a hypothesis, it’s based on certain antigens in the hair follicle. Many reports and printouts I came across kept saying, “the etiology of alopecia areata is entirely unknown"(e.g. Price 1991, Parret 1984, Paus 1993). According to (editorial 1984) evidence hair loss is a result of immune system activity. Which is then classified as an autoimmunity. This evidence is based on observations of an immune cell in and around the hair follicles (Parret 1984) and the knowledge that some
The challenges of elementary, middle, and high school accumulate and progress through the years. One of them being social status and appearance. I for one, had fallen to the bottom of the totem pole. I was considered a bulls-eye, targeted by those that wished to shower me with arrows in the form of harsh words and taunts. I was an outcast, rejected from the norm. Although laborious, I climbed up the totem thanks to achieve strength and confidence.
The essay Hair written by Maria Alderich, is an analysis of women during the 1950’s need to conform, rebel, or fit in to societies social standards and the inner conflict it caused in women’s identity. The essay is Alderich’s firsthand account of the females in her immediate family and how they use their hair styles to define themselves and represent their self-identity.
At the age of ten my aunt had twins a boy and a girl and I had to learn what it meant to be a mother. I would wake up at 4oclock in the morning to change diapers and make bottles for my aunt
Have you ever thought about becoming a cosmetologist? Are you familiar with what a cosmetologist does? Do you think you have the skill and patience it takes to become a cosmetologist? The basics of becoming a cosmetologist and why it is so common in today’s world will be explained in the following paragraphs.
Chris Rock’s documentary, Good Hair, investigates the notion of what good hair is. Dominant society views good hair as straight or essentially caucasian hair. This is not only problematic to the self-esteem and confidence of black women, but it can also cause black women to appropriate Asian culture. Black women unfortunately take advantage of Asian culture in search of what society believes is good hair. Many black women wear weaves in order to align to what society believes is good hair. However, when they buy this hair, they do not realize what Asians go through. Likewise, Asians who give up their hair do not know where or who this hair will be going to. Thus, this desire for good hair further perpetuates the lack of understanding that black
Over the years immigration has continued to be a discussion of intense national debate. The effect of immigration have been looked at as positive and negative. The economy and government has been affected in a multitude of ways. The immigrants are offered sources for work and also economic support for them and their families yet many American citizens are without jobs and struggle to keep a household. Also many Americans do feel as if they are being pushed to the side when it comes to availability in work sources and the taxes people pay are going to the non natives who don’t work but only live off of others benefits. Contrary to that, the number of immigrant men who have a job seems to be higher than native-born men.
Did you know that there are 2,902 people on the death penalty in the United States! With so many people on death row, it all comes at a high cost. A death row inmate waited an average of 15 years before execution in 2010. Many people are in the death penalty for awhile, which means the cost gets even higher. Not only is it expensive for the death penalty, but so many people are innocent and are still put to death. 144 people were put on death row and have been found not guilty, while 10 of them were put to death in the year 1973. There are many reasons why the death penalty is atrocious. But, two main reasons why the death penalty should be banned is because it is very costly, and many people have been innocent of what they have done.
Hair loss is a condition affecting both men and women. There are several causes of hair loss. In men, hereditary factors play an important role in hair loss. Such a condition is termed as male pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia. This is linked to elevated levels of DHT in the scalp. This is characterized by hair loss in the temples and top regions of head and presence of thinning hairs elsewhere.
Pv2 Johnny. Correctional Essay on Importance of meeting the standards set by AR 670-1. A soldier is a professional and an expert at all times, Because of this his uniform haircut and general hygiene is held to a professional standard. AR 670-1 is the ruling of this standard in which every soldier must uphold to. A soldier is measured by his/her ability to do his job successfully, tactfully, and professionally. The key to doing a job as a professional is a professional appearance, none know this as much as the Army. In the Army, the regulation that dictates what to look like while on duty is the AR 670-1; this provides an SOP on what to wear and how to groom for both males and females alike. When a job is done for the Army, the soldier is
After flipping off the switch to my cheap, red Revlon hair dryer, I took one glance in the mirror and noticed my hair looked exactly as expected: terrible. My dark brown curls were separated, flattened, and all the volume had been suctioned out. My once-voluptuous locks were now dry and brittle noodles. I have never had great experiences with hair dryers. Honestly, how could I? I have fine, curly hair that frizzes at the very touch of my fingers. Some days it looks like a rat’s nest, other days it looks like five rat’s nests all got into a fight over whose nest could look the dirtiest. So let me explain to you the extent of a mess in which I deal with on the daily.
Authors during the antebellum period took a personal interest in finding possible solutions to various social issues occurring in their lifetimes. One of the biggest issues writers sought to resolve was racial and slavery tensions between different social groups. Abolitionists and scholars used literature to address African Americans’ concerns and work within the public eye to better others lives. While authors like Ralph Emerson and Henry David Thoreau choose to describe a specific social issue and its’ association with nature, others as Walt Whitman explore explaining interconnectivity to answer the problem of racial relationships. In The Leaves of Grass, Whitman depicts how people have more in common with each other than they realize and