
Allison Reynolds: The Basket Case Of The Breakfast Club

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Allison Reynolds, the “basket case” of the Breakfast Club, comes across as quite the strange character compared to her classmates. Her antics include tying a string extremely tight around her finger, standing around cooly as the rest of the Breakfast Club runs around frantically, and lying compulsively. Perhaps she is just inherently weird, enjoying being herself without any care of peer judgement, yet there’s often more to it than that. Some of her behaviorisms may just be quirks, but many of them can be evaluated and traced back to a reason. Through behaviorism analysis, it will be determined: how Allison describes herself, how others see her, and what impact her family life has on her behavior. To others, Allison is “crazy”, a total …show more content…

Moreover, she is expressively agitated when Andrew says that everyone's home life is unsatisfying and Brian starts analyzing what she means by the word choice. The first statement likely made her feel invalidated. The analysis troubled her because she probably doesn't want to truly face her problems, and she doesn't want others fleshing them out right in front of her. Perhaps she enjoys the upper-hand feeling over others that can be felt by remaining mysterious. There's no way she could ever feel superior while at home, because her parents ignore her. Made obvious by her teary eyes as she opens up to Andrew, being ignored really bothers her, even if she tries to hide it and never tell anyone. Allison relishes in the attention she gets from the group because she doesn't get it from anywhere else. No friends and inconsiderate parents makes for a socially deprived, lonely and hurting young woman. Most of her quirkiness is just her personality regardless, seeing that if it was solely for attention, she would be louder, trying harder, and presumably, through different actions, try to give off a vibe that's less “basket case” to those around her. Allison may find happiness from others liking her and will aim for that result, but not at the expense of who she

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