
Allegory In The Kite Runner

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Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner is written with a relationship between the plot and the title. The 1975 kite tournament that Hassan and Amir competed in, marks the beginning of the circle of betrayal and redemption that the story revolves in. The events that occur that day created a hurt and a fight for redemption inside of Amir. Khaled Hosseini created a relationship between the plot and the title combining allegory and foreshadowing to connect the reader to the growth and pain within Amir because of his past and the difference in class between Hassan and Amir Khaled Hosseini is always using kite running to reminding Amir of how he ran from his cowardice of saving Hassan. Amir throughout his life is unable to separate the image of kite …show more content…

Hassan and Amir are from two different backgrounds, Amir is wealthy and Hassan is Amirs servant because he is a Hazara. The difference in class prevented Hassan from standing up for himself and what ended up causing Hassan to sacrifice him self for Amir. Hassan was capable of standing up for himself however Amir was not. “ A boy who won’t stand up for himself becomes a man who can’t stand up to anything.” (page 22) This quotation was Amir rejected on the events that just occurred after the kite fighting contest and event that occurs often in Amirs mind. This quotation is employed as a character description of who Amir is.Amir lived as a person who was afraid to stand up for people. Amirs feared standing up for Hassan because he was a poor Hazara boy. The type of person Amir was led to his feeling of betrayal and want for redemption, because he couldn’t even stand up for those who loved him unconditionally.. “Never mind any of those things. Because history isn’t easy to overcome. Neither is religion. In the end, I was a Pashtun and he was a Hazara, I was Sunni and he was Shi’a, and nothing was ever going to change that. Nothing.” (page 25) Amir in this quotation is reviewing the social differences that prevent him from loving Hassan and being the friend that he should be. haled Hosseini continuous reference to the title through out the book connects the reader to the difference between Hassan and

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