
All Undocumented People Should Be Deported Essay

Better Essays

Professor Enns
PHIL 20: Logic
All Undocumented People Should be Deported The issue of whether or not all undocumented people residing in the United States should be deported is currently at the forefront of the nation’s attention, with strong opinions on both sides. Living in a predominantly agriculture-based region, this is very close to home. People that I know, go to school with, and work with either are or have family members who are undocumented themselves. My view is that undocumented people be deported, but I wonder if the consequences of carrying this out would really be worth the benefits. A strong argument that supports the thesis that all undocumented people in the United States should be deported is the simple …show more content…

As stated by premise two, undocumented people do come here illegally, but this does not automatically mean that they should be deported. Most people who immigrate here illegally, are only doing so because it is so difficult and takes so long to do so legally. The majority of them seek only to have better lives and create more opportunities for their families than they had. For example, one of my coworkers’ parents immigrated here illegally before he was born. I’ve talked with him multiple times about the topic of illegal immigration and he has always emphasized to me how grateful he is to his parents for coming here because if they had not, he would not have any of the opportunities he has now of going to college, and making a career as an engineer. Because they came here, even though it was illegal, he and his siblings have the chance to live better lives than their parents had, and give better lives to their own children than they would have had in Mexico. So, just because someone came here illegally, doesn’t mean they did so with bad intentions and doesn’t mean they deserve to be deported. Another argument for the idea that all undocumented people should be deported, is that it will significantly lessen the burden on taxpayers. In standard form, the syllogism

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