
Analysis Of The Music Video 'All About That Bass'

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All About That Positive Body Image The "All About that Bass" music video was released in 2014 and has a fun beat that teens as well as young adults hearted, favorite, and liked. The video became so popular that it was nominated for a Grammy and was featured on the Billboard Hot 100 chart (Mullen) . The artist Meghan Trainor is among the female who dominated the media for empowering women to be confident and forget the expectation that society has set for them. Meghan Trainor, a young 21 years old American singer and songwriter made her debut in 2014 with “All About That Bass” (Mullen). The video on Youtube now has more than 1 billion views since its release. She captured her audience with her positive support with full bodied females and sings to them “Cause every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top”(All About, line 14). In the music video Meghan Trainor empowers her audience with a strong attitude to be confident with their body by displaying full bodied women dancing and having fun with no care for the impossible expectations that society and media has set on them. The concept of symbolism and satire was used throughout the video that helped the artist send her message to the viewers. The use of Barbie is the main symbolism used in the video. The setting depicts a …show more content…

The skinny girl may represent the population that has shamed the bigger women but it does not make sense to bring down a type of women trying to better the image of another. It seems like trying to solve a problem by creating another. The model was sexualized in this video with her clear outfit and dramatic attitude, she is portrayed to be untalented. What would skinnier individuals think of themselves after watching how they would be treated. This video posses many positive elements but also a small amount of bullying was

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