
Alice Monologue

Decent Essays

“Sister Catherine! You have failed!” A voice boomed aloud as the a chair hung in midair with a frightened nun that sat on top. Without a warning, whatever was holding the chair in place was gone, and it crashed onto the floor. I quickly covered my eyes to hide from the horrific sight. The woman was surely dead and I did not want to see what was remained of her. Alice, a friend I made on my trip in France, started to scream and cry. I pulled out my phone to call the police while trying to drag Alice away from the scene. I told the woman on the other side what had happened and in no time, the sirens of the police were heard. “Did you see the look on her face? She knew what the voice what talking about.” Alice whispered to me. “Is she dead? …show more content…

This is it!” I grab all the papers that had to do with the fire and run out to Alice.”Alice, I figured it out! All of the people dead, they all had to do with the fire! The one in Italy, his name was Mark. He was the person that set the building on fire. The girl that was found in Greece was also part of the arson. The third and fourth one were the firefighters that were at the scene. And Sister Catherine had seen the man go into the houses when she could’ve stopped him. I told you I could solve it!” I looked at Alice’s face, she didn’t look even near as excited as I was.”What's wrong? I thought you’d be happy?” “I am,” Alice said. “Then why do you look like that?” I questioned her. “Because of this.” She pushes today’s newspaper towards me.”The found another body. Her name was Molly.” I sat down next to her, grabbing the article.”Molly...Molly was the doctor that treated the six victims. She could only save one of them.” “Do you know who else was involved in the fire? Maybe if we find out who’s next, we could protect them.” Alice eagerly responded. “Yeah, I do know one person.” “Who then?” She asked. “Me. I was one of the detectives who was hired to be a part of the case.” I looked at her with fear. “I could be

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