
Alice Miller Childhood

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1A. Children’s work is a perspective that can be viewed through both an adult perspective and a child centered perspective. The adult perspective of children’s work includes ultimately shedding the skin of ‘childhood’ and leaving it behind. This perspective views adulthood and childhood as two separate entities completely with little to no overlap. This adult centered perspective views imposing violence against children as something a child will simply forget about as they age. On the opposing end, a child centered perspective views childhood as a collection of experiences that are carried into our adult lives as well. Although the child grows into an adult, the childhood does not come to an end, but adult duties and responsibilities are now present as well. This perspective views childhood as the longest lasting period in our lives (contrary to what the adult centered perspective believes). The child centered perspective focuses primarily on the importance of childhood and the presence of play. Through play, a child will develop the skills needed to interpret their world, and any new stimuli they may …show more content…

Nicholas Celebration” it is noted the importance that child’s work has within a child’s overall development. In this article, Miller expresses how distraught she was witnessing children terrified and on the verge of tears being told how bad they have been that year by St. Nicholas. The story highlights the adult centered perspective which correlates with how the parents in this article were acting as well. The adults spent no attention aiding their children after they encounter St. Nicholas. These parents simply implied that the child would ‘get over it’. This is an example of violence against children because the children in this story were shamed, laughed at, belittled, and frightened. However, by the adults, these effects were not observed due to the visiting of St. Nicholas being so normal for their

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