
Alexander The Great Quote Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

According to Alexander the Great if I wanted to become a turnip right now all I would have to do, is try. There is no logic in this idea and while it is inspiring it’s not scientifically possible. Many things can be done through great effort but not anything. I’m sure Alexander the Great didn’t want to die but no matter how hard he tried he still did. Really all this quote does is give the reader false hope that anything is possible and if you try hard you can do anything but really that is not true. Trying is overrated and shouldn’t be done. As Yoda said “Do or do not, there is no try” According to Alexander the Great if I wanted to become a turnip right now all I would have to do, is try. There is no logic in this idea and while it is inspiring it’s not scientifically possible. Many things can be done through great effort but not anything. …show more content…

There is no logic in this idea and while it is inspiring it’s not scientifically possible. Many things can be done through great effort but not anything. I’m sure Alexander the Great didn’t want to die but no matter how hard he tried he still did. Really all this quote does is give the reader false hope that anything is possible and if you try hard you can do anything but really that is not true. Trying is overrated and shouldn’t be done. As Yoda said. According to Alexander the Great if I wanted to become a turnip right now all I would have to do, is try. There is no logic in this idea and while it is inspiring it’s not scientifically possible. Many things can be done through great effort but not anything. I’m sure Alexander the Great didn’t want to die but no matter how hard he tried he still did. Really all this quote does is give the reader false hope that anything is possible and if you try hard you can do anything but really that is not true. Trying is overrated and shouldn’t be done. As Yoda said “Do or do not, there is no

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