
'Alcoholism In James Joyce's Dubliners'

Decent Essays

In Dubliners by James Joyce, there is a common theme of alcoholism that occurs many times in this collection of stories. Hardly any of these stories fail to mention the presence and influence of alcohol. In some of these stories, Joyce puts the focus on the short-term consequences of excessive night drinking, This leads to abusing others and self-inflicted pain. In other stories, the focus is on the effects of a strong addiction that would eventually lead the character(s) to an early trip to the grave. Examples that showcase this theme of alcoholism can found in “The Boarding House,” “A Little Cloud,” and “Counterparts.” In “The Boarding House,” we are introduced to a family that has been affected negatively by alcohol. We start off with …show more content…

Little Chandler is a husband and a father who goes on his day working at his job as a copyist. Ignatius Gallaher, Chandler’s friend, left Dublin for London eight years ago, and is now living a successful career as a journalist. When Chandler thinks about Gallaher, he becomes sad because of how different their lives and careers are. Chandler seemed to envy Ignatius and feels like even if he wanted to, it was too late to change his life. All of Chandler’s dreams had to be given up once he gotten married. On that night, Gallaher was coming back to visit Dublin and wanted to hang out with Chandler. They had both agreed to meet at a bar. After work, Chandler headed to the bar and was still thinking about Gallaher’s success. At the bar, Chandler and Gallaher talked about foreign cities, marriage, and the future. This was all going on while drinking three glasses of whiskey and smoking two cigars. Chandler later mentions to Gallaher that he envies his experience and success. Chandler had already settled down at a young age and has a family to take care of. He invites Gallaher to visit his home and meet his family that evening, but Gallaher declined. Gallaher claimed he had another appointment to attend to. The men have their final drink together, and at this point, Chandler is a little drunk because of his low …show more content…

When he enters his home, he calls out for his wife, but is instead, met by one of his five children, his son Tom. Tom tells him that his wife is at church. Farrington then orders his son to cook up the dinner his wife left for him. Tom obediently follows his father’s orders. Farrington then sees that the fire in the kitchen has been left to burn out. With his anger levels at it’s peak, he chases after his son with a walking stick and begins to beat him brutally, which causes Tom to cry out for

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