
Alberta's Famous Five: Feminist Analysis

Decent Essays

Many will find it hard to believe that under ninety years ago, women were not considered persons under the Canadian government. This may still be the case had it not been for Alberta’s Famous Five. The Famous Five were a group of strong female activists in the early nineteen hundreds who fought for women’s rights. They consisted of cabinet minister Irene Parlby, legal expert Henrietta Muir Edwards, novelist Nellie McClung, prohibitionist Louise McKinney and magistrate Emily Murphy. They all worked individually in their provinces in the west of Canada, advocating for their causes, whether it be suffrage, prohibition or for women to be recognized by the government. They played an integral role in the first wave of the feminist movement and led this change in Canadian society. The Famous Five promoted social change for Canada by providing women with role models, protesting against substances and elevating the status of women.

These women provided role models for young women across Canada, role models that had not been seen before. In …show more content…

When women were given the power to vote and run for office, they were able to vote for other women. Women were given this right due to efforts from the Famous Five in their respective provinces to get women the vote. So, not only were they strong role models, but they allowed for there to be more female role models in politics. This encourages other women to run for office and displays that they have the right to a political opinion and voice in Canadian society. Emily Murphy was a prominent activist saying, “We want women to be leaders today as never before.” She was able to pass legislation in favour of women, creating

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