
Alaska Young Character Traits

Decent Essays

Alaska Young is a friend and romantic interest to miles. She is complex, very fascinating, and mysterious. She loves collecting books from yard sales and pranking with Colonel. Her entire room is just filled with books and wine because that is the two most important things to her. On the other hand she can be very wild and unpredictable. Her mood can change at a moment's notice when the anniversary of her mother’s death approaches. Alaska’s guilt for not taken action and calling 911 as a child when her mother was dying affected her personality and her actions greatly. “She often does not think about the consequences of her actions to the point where it is reckless”. (109) She just makes decisions in the moment and doesn’t weigh the risks. An example of that would be when she does not follow Colonel’s prank for the Barn night. (109) Due …show more content…

These activities she does tries to distract her from what really is going on. But at the end it doesn’t end up helping. I believe Alaska did not care for life and that she did want to die young. An example of that would be when she says, y’all smoke to enjoy it, I smoke to die. (44) She just gets in these moods where she is very upset and wants nothing to do with anyone. Which is something I can relate with her because I do feel like that pretty much all the time. I could never see myself as this character in some aspects because she is self- destructive and she really does not care what people think of her. Which I do care what people think of me, I always have. I just want to make a good first impression with everyone I meet because I do not want people thinking that I am rude and mean. Another thing is that she is very self-destructive because all she does is smoke and drink. Which is something I would never do because I have seen the effects of alcohol and smoking

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