Once upon of time there was a boy born to a family named the Wardors. The Wardors were unlike most things that lived in the Sector 989 Galaxy. They were skilled craftsmen who made cosmic or space weapons and sold them to anyone they could find. One Thing they sold were these things called black hole grenades. The black hole grenades transported anything that was thrown at them to some random black hole in the galaxy. Another weapon was the dark arrow. The dark arrow was an normal sized black arrow but it didn’t need a bow, it could move and fire with one simple thought. With the black arrow came a leather jacket with a hood, the hood sensed the thought of the user and did what the user thought it should do . The Wardors Knew that these weapons were very …show more content…
One of the warrior's nicknamed Executioner who almost was three ft taller than Ajax and twice has muscular decided to join and finally a creature with four arms named Drey joined. War king smiled and said “thanks for your willingness to come” and he took Ajax, Executioner, and Drey on one of his five ships and left. When Ajax got in the ship he ship he noticed all the different species of things and asked “what are we doing here” not one thing answered. Ajax saw at least three seven different species and noticed One being even bigger than Executioner he saw that he was named Titan and he had a metal on his chest that said grand champion Titan on it. He also noticed a creature made of stone, and an huge wolf chained to the edge of the ship. Then the flight started and the ship flew past the sector 989 galaxy at about 500 miles per hour. As the flight went on he began to talk with Executioner and Drey explaining what his arrow did and how he learned to make weapons. Drey said “The weapons he used were two spears and two shields.” The Executioner said that “He
and was also rendered mission incapable and had to fly back to its origin due to the damage that it
The flipping motion of the atlatl propels a light spear much faster and farther than it could be thrown by hand alone. Darts were used made from oak, single pointed with obsidian, flint, or even copper or bone. The propelled darts tended to be more powerful than arrows (Cóttrill).
It was filled with 75 iron balls and a bursting charge. It was meant for long range [over 400 yards] it did more damage if it burst open at 15 ft in the air. The final cannon ball was the canister. The Canister was filled with either lead balls or iron balls with sawdust. It was used for defense.
His men had blind him instead of killing him because the door was too heavy for his men to move. They hid in the Cyclopes cave. They had to be careful to watch where the Cyclopes was so that he would not eat them. When he blinded the Cyclopes, he could not resist telling the Cyclopes his name. This caused for a difficult journey trying to get home.
During the 2010 super bowl snickers aired a commercial featuring Betty White. In the commercial Betty White is playing football with what seems to be some friends. After a bad play they group up in a huddle with one of the friends asking him what is wrong and telling him that he is playing like Betty White. By using the stereotype that older people aren’t fit, or in great shape snickers implies the notion that while you’re hungry you don’t act like your normal self.
The next day he spent the hole day walking up the mountain. The next day he spent half of the day walking up the mountain, when he reached the top he decided that he would get for the other half day and get a good nights rest. He woke up during the night and found one hundred rattlesnakes on and around him close by his fire staying warm for the night. Ajax killed all of the snakes and went back to sleep. In the morning, he woke up and walked over to the one hundred foot tall door. He looked at the lock, put the key in, turned it, and opened it. He walked in and the room was about four hundred feet long, two hundred feet wide, and one hundred feet tall, and it was full of gold jewelry and pirate coins. He was thinking that everyone that had been in there before had to have just barged in, so he quietly snuck in and climbed up the door and walked on the beams on the roof watching down on the floor looking for the golden jaguar. After about an hour looking for the golden jaguar, Ajax saw him sleeping on top of the tallest mountain of gold. Ajax jumped off of the roof beams and and missed the top of the mountain, when he walked to the top the golden jaguar wasn't there! Ajax got his mallet out and ready and walked around the room for hours without any sign of the golden jaguar. Ajax started thinking, if he could walk on top of the roof so could the jaguar. He climbed up to the beams on the roof again
They were pretty late invention but the bow and arrow was an ultimate stone age weapon, in some parts of the world they have only been in use for 30,000 years or so. This weapon needed a number of inventions to occur before it could be finalized. First of all they needed very strong tine or string, they needed a sharp stone tool to shape the bow and the arrow and the possession to split very sharp, fine stone for the arrow tips. The skill to capture or kill prey from a distance gave our stone age man a huge advantage.
the boats. This is an example of what he was willing to do to survive in the end,
and imprisoned; all except for Atlas. Atlas was punished by Zeus and was condemned to carry
The bow and arrow like to long bow was used at long distance inly it was slitty more accurate.
There were many different types of weapons, and one major type was the bow and arrow. A bow was made for projecting an arrow a far distance. They were a huge help in ancient wars because they provided ranged combat. Traditional longbows are made from a single natural piece of wood (“Medieval Weapons” 19). The bow uses a strong flexible string to project the arrow. The force created by the bow is powered by the bows elasticity (“Medieval Weapons” 18). The design of the bow has changed throughout time from being just a simple piece of wood to highly flexible metal. Bows have been used for thousands of years, for hunting and warfare (“Medieval Weapons” 19). Crossbows were very similar to the bow; in fact a crossbow was literally a bow on a stock (“Medieval Weapons” 21). The strings on a crossbow were stronger than that of a bow and they would rarely split. Crossbows were powered by a trigger mechanism which required less manpower. There were many different types of crossbows, and they became stronger over time. With
He was looking at a suit with full body armor, with glass protecting the eyes. And there was a gun laying right next to it.
|left him with his whole upper torso out of the aircraft, and only his legs inside. The door to the flight deck was blown out, It blocked|
However it was most likely really nothing more than some kind of metal bomb filled with
The history of weapons started centuries ago when cave people initially developed a weapon called a bow and arrow, for hunting purposes. They created this weapon from yew or elm for the bow and the arrow’s shaft, and used animal ligaments, or sinew to add tension to the bow. Archeologists have also found arrow heads made of sharp rocks and angled bones from different types of animals. These artifacts are all over the world displayed beautifully in museums to make new civilization realize the important role weapons have played in daily life.