
Air Pollution In Los Angeles

Decent Essays

Each day a surface as large as a tennis court is exposed to a volume of air and contaminants that would fill a swimming pool1. While the human body has amazing capabilities to filter these contaminants many however are able to transverse these barriers and deposit within the lungs. The mere accumulation of particulates can impair breathing, cause injury, infiltrate the body’s circulation, or alter cellular function2. Thus in the end can exacerbate current pulmonary conditions such as lung disease or give rise to a number of pulmonary aliments2.

Los Angeles has an historically lead the nation in the worst air quality. Such a reputation is not only due to an increase rise in urbanization, but also a process called inversion, which is an atmospheric …show more content…

Moreover, acute health effects were observed at levels common in many us cites such as Los Angeles, as well as, below current U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Overall these studies shown respiratory effect increase parallel with pollution levels, with a near linear dose-response …show more content…

While the mechanisms are poorly understood many scientists are suggesting the interaction of sunlight with air pollutants creates a cascade of reactive species which increase the amount of air pollutants as well as their potency3. For example, sulfur dioxide and particulate matter emissions from a coal-fired power plant may react in air to produce acid sulfates and aerosols which are highly penetrable to the airways and travel long distances before settling.

Size of particulates in air pollution also play a major factor in the exacerbation of lung diseases. Studies shown a correlation between air particulate size (10pg/m3) and a 10% to 25 % increase in bronchitis or chronic cough in patients with COPD9.

Furthermore, the chemical and physical characteristics of inhaled agents affect both the dose and the site of deposition in the respiratory tract. These characteristics are briefly summarized

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