
Aileen Wuornos Serial Killers

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Demographic Summary: According to the class textbook, “the demographic characteristics most commonly studied in homicide research are race or ethnic origin, gender, socioeconomic status, and the victim–offender relationship” (Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. M., 2020, p.293). My demographic summary below is for the serial murderer Aileen Wuornos, based off the data given in the class Final Project Scenario. Name: Aileen Wuornos Birth date: February 29th, 1956 Death date: October 9th, 2002; execution Race: White Gender: Woman Socioeconomic status: Poverty/Low Victim–offender relationship: Stranger (she met them briefly for prostitution acts) Biological factors - Developmental factors “Serial murderers like all human beings are products of their genetic …show more content…

R., & Bartol, A. M., 2020, p. 347). Wuornos, however, had several risk factors that could have led to the murders. When psychologists explain serial murderers, they say “.most of them associate serial murder with severe psychological conditions due to childhood trauma and delinquencies that result from increased exposure to extreme environments” (LawBirdie, 2024). In the case of Aileen Wuornos, she had a very rough childhood. Her father was a convicted child molester and killed himself while serving time. Her mother just could not handle the duties of being a single mother to Aileen and her brother, so they were sent to the grandparents home. The grandparents were not much better as the grandmother was a severe alcoholic and the grandfather was extremely neglectful and forced the children outside to live in the woods on several occasions. At just 14 years old, she got pregnant and claimed it was from her grandfather. She then gave the baby boy up for adoption and began hitchhiking and prostitution. This upbringing caused her to not be able to trust anyone or feel safe around …show more content…

She also had fairly disorganized crime scenes, which ultimately led to her being caught. A disorganized crime scene, as discussed on page 337 of the class textbook, “demonstrates that the offender committed the crime without careful planning. In other words, the crime scene indicators suggest the person acted on impulse, in rage, or under extreme excitement” (Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. M., 2020, p. 337). Wuornos left fingerprints at one of the murder sites and shot the victims several times, leaving behind a mess. I believe she acted in rage and excitement and it was almost like she was getting back at all of the men in her life for the way they treated her so horrifically. “Serial murderers most often kill strangers with no apparent consensual relationship between the offender and the victim, and the killing itself is the perpetrator’s main goal” (Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. M., 2020, p. 346). That reinforces my theory that Wuornos was just murdered as an attempt to “take back her

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