
Aiding In Racial Profiling

Decent Essays

“Racial profiling occurs when a police officer selectively focuses on a person’s race where the harass, detain, or arrest the individual”(Cooper,2001). Racial profiling is a serious issue that has gone rampant in the united states today; people being scared to do everyday activities because of their race is terrorizing and they culprits should be look at as terrorist. The government system is not set up to benefit the minorities, the iron triangle is a connection of groups that are placed to try and benefit the people, but sometimes they only benefit themselves and people alike. Aiding in racial profiling is an institutionalized form of terrorism and needs to be stopped at the source, and these are the steps we should take. In the case of the Milwaukee Bucks basketball player John Henson who was just trying to buy some jewelry he experienced racism. Henson was going to a jeweler to buy some merchandise and wasn’t allowed into the store because he store workers felt intimidated. Henson was a 6’11” millionair basketball player that looked scary to the store workers, so for the workers to protect themselves they locked the doors and ran to the back of their office where the employes proceed to call the police. When the police arrive at the scene they have to suspect that Mr. Henson was dangerous in some way due to the description given, the police officers were able to asses the situation and confirm that Henson did not mean any harm. The profiling of Henson was

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