
Agriculture In America

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“Agriculture is our wisest pursuit,because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals and happiness.”- Thomas Jefferson. Education and agriculture have always been a major key in the lives of many Americans. In early years many Americans lived on family farms producing food and fiber. Planting and harvest times determined when children would attend school because older siblings needed to be home to assist with crops. Most food came from family farms instead of a grocery store, as they do now. Today's youth have no idea how difficult growing and harvesting crops for a family truly is. Millions of people depend on farmers for their food source. So how do we create farmers? The easiest way is to introduce students to …show more content…

The year this report was released , the number of students who graduated and were contracted to teach ag education were only 473 out of 679. There are currently 7,737 agriculture programs in the country. Unfortunately 22 ag programs were closed because they could not find a teacher. Out of the 7,737 agriculture programs 146 are realizing a teacher who is not licensed for ag education (4). These numbers are staggering and truly saddening when you think that many of these programs hold the future of our country in their hands. Creating farmers and scientist to help with food production is vital in the survival of humans and the economic boost for our county. Lack of teachers of Agricultural education is not a new problem. “ University teacher education programs in agriculture experience the ripple effect of the recruitment problems experienced in high school agriculture programs. As many as 38 of the 50 states are unable to graduated enough agriculture teachers from university agricultural education programs to meet the demand for new high school agriculture teachers(Camp, Egan, Garton, Dyer, Flowers, Stewart, Williams, Scofield, & Foster, 1996).” What factors are causing this shortage? ONe of the leading causes of teachers leaving or entering the industry is teacher …show more content…

At Sumrall High School, the counselors and administration know the importance of agricultural education. The counselors work with students to accommodate a desire to take these ag courses. However, this can not be said for all schools. Often in the public school system, administration is more worried about students taking and passing required courses and state test. If all administration and counselors would understand that not all students choose to take the path of college. Many student who have been introduce vocational programs have something to fall back on in case a job cannot be found. It may pique the interest of a student and challenge the student to rethink going the college

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