
Aging: A Brief Summary And Analysis

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2. Aging is not meant to be scary. God created you when he did on purpose; therefore, you are always exactly the age God planned for you to be (Leach, personal communication). Hence, although you have turned thirty, it does not mean your life is over. As you age, however, you can expect to experience physical and intellectual changes. Additionally, with aging, you will begin to manage your stress, and be affected by it differently. You will also likely develop an expertise.
Senescence effects skin, and hair, and an individual’s nimbleness (Berger, 2015, p. 428).
Skin, also known as the derma, becomes impaired with aging (Berger, 2014, p. 433). As you age, your derma will lose density, become inelastic and less moist, and wrinkle as fibers

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