
Agency Trauma Theory

Decent Essays

Communication is the key to establish a good client/worker relationship with April. I must make her feel welcome and genuine. I would have to try my best to be culturally competent. I will have to treat her with respect even though she is asking for help. I will have to hold the space for her by listening attentively to what she has to say. I might have to paraphrase or quote her to make certain that I understand while using a calm voice. I will have to show empathy but not judge her. It is my responsibility to provide April with the best information to the resource that will help her to get out of her situation. The fact that I am working on a micro level with April her information should remain confidential (Dr. Osby, 2018). …show more content…

The theory will allow the organization to focus on group progress even though, we have distinct task. I choose administrative theory because it is effective. It promotes collaboration while members of the organization work separately. The two SAMHSA’S domain I will focus on to make my agency trauma informed would be engagement & involvement and evaluation. Engagement and involvement in the way the staff of my agency will approach clients who are traumatize. Staff members must be aware that, clients are already in a difficult situation thus they need someone who has empathy. Social workers will be trained to give them undivided attention. Clients know themselves best, I think it is good idea to get them engage and involve in their own healing process. We are there to help not retraumatize to clients. Their reactions, criticisms, and advices can improve the quality of service we provide. Evaluation is a countless …show more content…

A change agent is a person who understand that change is needed within agency. The person identifies the problem which requires the alteration process and willing to act on solving it (Kirst-Ashman, Hull, 2018). worker can implement a change within an agency or community by prepared and all-inclusive style which emphases on directing people and how important their contribution be to the change. The steps are engagement, assessment, planning, Implementation, evaluation, termination, and follow-up. Engagement, the time when the agent realizes that there is a problem and communicate with others about it. Assessment is the judgement of the importance of the issue and the plan to address it. Planning is to determine the advantages and the disadvantages to identify the best course of action to promote the well-being of clients. Implement, which is to exploit and monitor the improvement. Evaluation is to understand the

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