
Against Vaccines

Decent Essays

When you think about infectious diseases, think about all the outbreaks. In 1989 there was a major outbreak of measles in which more than 55,000 cases were reported, and 136 people had died all just from measles. Vaccines did not start to appear until the late 90’s early 2000’s. It is also cheaper to prevent a disease then the treat it. We are actually very lucky that we have the technology today that gives us the opportunity to prevent harmful diseases. In infectious diseases there are many ways we can have complications, like not having the right vaccine, or how big the treatment is will be, and finally will there be a rise of infectious disease. In the following essay, I will hope to educate you more in showing you my findings.
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RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) vaccines for example has made a big difference in society today (Tijana 58). Vaccines trick the immune system to teach the body to defeat foreign invaders (National institute1). If given the wrong vaccine then your body could do more harm than good (Bailey 2). Two major challenges of vaccines is the testing before a patient receives it, also the cost and the bioterrorism used to create them (Small 6). Before vaccines made a stand, the only way to become immune to an infectious disease is to get it and survive it (National Institute 3). Vaccines in some cases are known not to produce any immunity, this results in a greater infection (Bailey 2). Another big help to vaccines is antibodies they work together to diffuse into the blood (National Institute …show more content…

If exposed to an infectious disease, the body needs to prepare itself (National Institute 1). Once exposed there is only a certain amount of time before the body starts to shut down (National institute 1). Clean water is a key ingredient in preventing infectious diseases (Bailey 1). In addition, when other people are around those who are vaccinated there is a much less chance of infecting people (National Institute 2). Another important thing to do is biosecurity, which means safeguarding the body from infectious diseases (Lynn 1). Vaccines take a lot of time to actually succeed, it took the smallpox vaccine 181 years. (Chalk 1). Another thing that is a big threat to us getting infectious diseases is genetics. Genetics may be killing us, which is a known fact (Small

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