
After The Truth Ethos

Decent Essays

After the Truth is a German film directed by Roland Suso Richter. This film is crafted in a cunning way to bring out a display of pathos through prejudice controversy. Richter reestablishes the need to discuss the hostility against the Jews even in the present setting of the movie by the use of logos. Instead of critiquing the choices Mengele made in World War Two. Richter places you in Mengele's mindset while leaving you to ponder whether or not we all have a evilly twisted monster like side that's caged within us. The film begins with ethos demonstrated by Mengele's lawyer, Peter Rohm, who has been researching Mengele. As a well known doctor at Auschwitz Rohm already knows what nightmarish events were done there by Dr. Mengele. Yet the doctor …show more content…

A trial is then put into motion to help the world to coup with the damages the war caused bringing out the painful memories by the use of pathos. Mengele doesn't deny any of the charges that are being placed against him. Although he doesn't understand what he did wrong. The film captures the mournful emotions of the intended audience by demonstrating Mengele's careless values of life another sign of well established pathos. Displaying his intended morals to help them not to live out their days suffering at the camp. He believes that people should praise him for his accomplishments. As the leading Doctor of the camp, ethos is used for that fact that he is a doctor so should automatically have credibility. He feels like he was sparing them by sending the ones that were already behind sentenced to death by euthanasia. This was his so called "act of mercy." By sending off the useless ones to the gas chambers and performed inhuman medical studies as if they were his own personal lab rats. "Should I have left them to agonizingly starve to death?" This quote was used to try and persuade the audience but due to the overflow of emotion canceling out the logos plus Rohm and Mengele's

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