
After School Indirect Instruction

Decent Essays

Synopsis: The main theme discussed in Lampert's article is the idea of how elementary aged students perform critical thinking in the area of art. The article begins by presenting the reader with studies done through various institutions that show how inquiry/indirect instruction is best. Then, Lampert begins to introduce her study of doing after school inquiry-based art in low-income areas. She presents various examples and images that demonstrate how this form of instruction helped students cognitive ability to think more critically. In the end, Lampert explains why inquiry-based lessons and discussion-based work atmospheres are two of the most effective practices to help with children’s cognitive abilities. The main point of research presented in Lampert’s article is her after-school art program to increase children’s critical thinking skills and build children’s tolerances. The goal of this program was to serve the low-income bracket of children to make …show more content…

This is because I am always intrigued to learn new and effective methods to better my student’s cognitive abilities in the classroom. I believe that a lot of today’s methods have teachers explaining and providing direction for the majority of assignments, which leaves students with limited time to actually perform the actual assignment and provide them limited leeway to make the assignment individual to them. The author's ideas help support my own personal ideas by demonstrating the importance of having non-direction-based learning. I believe that students need minimum instruction to be successful in the classroom setting. Art is one of the opportunities in the classroom that allow students to sort of make their own assignments and make their own piece of work, with this in mind, having teachers give numerous directions hinders children’s creative

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