
African American Women Will Be More Of A Higher Risk Than

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Hypothesis: I predict that African American women will be more of a higher risk than in Caucasian women for heart disease.

Iv: Poor eating habits, stress of everyday life, lack of exercise Dv: African American and Caucasian



Heart diseases are known as one of the top killers of the 21st century including to

be more dangerous than Cancer. Different conditions that can affect the heart is

what is known as “heart disease or cardiovascular disease.”( They have no

boundaries or preferences in gender, race, or ethnicity making them that much

more dangerous because anyone can have them. They are referred to as being

“silent killers” …show more content…

Yet, heart

diseases no longer have as their prime target only men, a misconception that for

many decades was thought of to be true. Females were thought of being low to non

existent targets of heart disease, which resulted in not having diagnostic tests done

as often as they should have. Now, heart diseases are just as common in both

genders but with a higher risk in women (Pekka et al, 1998). Since 1984, there

has been more women dying from heart diseases than men. Women experience heart

diseases ten years later than men usually around age 55 years old more fatal then cancer,

heart disease is said to be the number one killer in women (A.H.E.M. Maas et

al, 2010). Data has shown that a woman is killed every minute of a heart disease that is

about 1 in 3 women dying yearly. It has also been proven women have a ninety percent

chance of having many risk factors that can cause heart disease. In total about 43 million

women have had a heart disease in the U.S. (Carey et al, 2012).

Risk factors associated to heart disease can also differentiate in both sexes. For

example, women have a higher percentage of hypertension over the age of 65 years old,

compared to men where the percentage is lower, the same result has been found in

diabetes mellitus (Mosca et al, 2011). Menopause, a natural event in a woman’s life can

cause there to be a

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