
African American Theatre Research Paper

Decent Essays

Africana Studies – GSS 2201
Dr. Ried-Merritt
December 2, 2014
Overview on subject
African American Theatre has a very dynamic and rich entity which comes from ancient Egyptian practices, and the African background of Greek legends contributed by Shakespeare. While black theatre was in its early stages, plays echoed of the lives they were living. Black American artists were constructing and preforming plays for mixed audiences as early as 1821. The dance and rhythm black people inherited caught the eyes of European audiences. Black theatre involves all sorts of black tradition with ancient stories, mythology, dances, music, and rich practices. It also contributed to the formation of America’s musical comedy acts. Social restrictions that …show more content…

In Hollywood, some of the most adored American films portray steroptypes created in theatres during the 1920’s and 30’s. Black artists, musicians, and writers began noticing the racial depictions. They responded by creating their own interpretations of black life and culture. This period of exponential black talent is known as The Harlem Renaissance. The Chip Womans Fortune written by Wilis Richardson was the first major play written by a black playwright and produced on a big stage. The play made it to Broadway in 1923. (penumbratheatre).
A popular theatre company during the early stages of development was The African Grove Theatre in New York City. It was one of the first companies to approach the dramatic performing arts from an African American perspective. William Henry Brown and James Hewlett were the founders, they traveled across seas through the Caribbean Islands.
Own specific topic- history, …show more content…

Performanced were created by whites who made a joke and recreated slaves and the every-day plantation practices. White performers who were involved with blackface would do laughable impressions of the stories, songs, dances, and practices in black culture for white audiences. This was known as Minstresly, a very adored form on entertainment for white people. These productions would perform into the mid 1900’s. Langston Hughes and Jeam Toomer were two African Americans concerned with the image white people were portraying on stage. Langston Hughes famous poem “Notes on Commercial Theatre” echoed one of the founding tenets for the movement of Black Theatre. This would launch the Black Arts Movement during the 1960’s. During this period black writers responded loudly to the racism black citizens were fighting against in the Civil Rights Movement. This movement lasted for about 10 years, 1960’s-70’s. It gave African Americans a greater significance in society. Through the different forms of media emerging, blacks were able to spread knowledge of the expression of cultural differences. Theatre performances were used to show audiences problem in their communities and businesses.

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