
African American Imperialism In The 1800s And Early 1900s

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Imperialism was an extremely controversial issue in the 1800s and early 1900s. Imperialism is defined in our book as: “The practice by which a nation acquires and holds colonies and other possessions, denies them self-government, and usually exploits them economically.” The Republicans and Democrats had a huge role in the idea of expansion during this time period, Republicans defined themselves on the idea of what their party did to gain self worth and the Democrats were more focused on what they opposed rather that what they stood for. Democrats imposed government influence on economy and countless other things. Democrats stood for white supremacy. Republicans liked the idea of government influence and wanted to protect African American’s …show more content…

This could possibly prevent future wars.” There were several presidents throughout the time period of imperialism that created, reduced and increased tariffs. Each President during this time period did have an important impact to the whole picture but are irrelevant to the argument I am making, so I will just state the one major individual I would like to discuss. William McKinley was elected president In 1897 and served until 1901. He was elected in a hard time for America. In 1898 the U.S. went to war with Spain over Cuba. Some people saw the war with Spain as an opportunity to acquire an American empire. When McKinley became president he created the “Open Door” policy. Which states that citizens should have equal status in seeking trade: Trade should be uninterrupted, no military intervention by one country in order to exclude others, and to be peaceful and friendly while practicing economic imperialism. Everyone but the Chinese people happy because of this. “American settlers thought they were culturally, economically, racially and politically superior to other nations.” “The Filipino people ,however, did not receive the same message from god as the president and soon revolted against the U.S. in February

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