
Afghanistan: America's Attempt to Abolish the Taliban Essay examples

Decent Essays

Afghanistan: America's Attempt to Abolish the Taliban

In an age when mankind has the ability to completely annihilate itself through nuclear combat, war can be a more terrifying and powerful thought than ever before. Unfortunately, because of the extent of the actions that the Taliban has committed against both America and its own followers, the United States’ war against terrorism seems to be a necessity. I do feel, however, as if there are many things that can be done by the American government in the near future to peacefully approach a more civil and politically involved Afghanistan. Although my feelings on a war against terrorism are mixed, I do feel that significant actions must be taken in order to restrict the spread of …show more content…

War brings out the brutality in men and leads to the death of soldiers and innocent bystanders. War is expensive and has historically led to the failure of stable economies. However, I do believe that the United States is justified in going to war in Afghanistan. The Taliban’s terrorist acts against us have completely stripped Americans of a sense of security that, in my opinion, they, as human beings, are entitled to. Tens of thousands lost relatives and loved ones in the bombings of September 11th. Many commuters now feel unsafe using planes as a mode of transportation. Business executives in large cities now think twice before going to entering their offices in the top of skyscrapers. So although I do not agree with a country murdering its enemies, I think that America has no other choice at this point.

I think the first thing that America needs to do in order to bring peace to Afghanistan is to stop the spread of the Taliban. Whether or not the war will accomplish this or not is hard for anyone to say right now, but if it does not, something must be done to end the radical Islamic group’s tyranny. This would improve the quality of life for many Afghanis; women would not be forced to wear full-body garments, innocent people would not be beaten in the streets for disobeying the Taliban’s rules, and people would not be publicly executed in gaming fields. Without the Taliban’s presence, the United States would be

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