
Affordable Housing Corruption Case Study

Decent Essays

Another aspect of this matter is the people with the greatest need for affordable housing are being victimized by corrupt self-serving officials. In speculation, this may be a worst-case scenario of power invariably leading to corruption. One specific assumption may be made from seeing the glaring lack of oversight or accountability within the offices of the Housing Authority of San Bernardino. The most cursory investigation is likely to uncover kickbacks, nepotism, graft, negligence, gross incompetence and a general atmosphere of mismanagement at a minimum The undesirable elements mentioned within this report are not confined solely to San Bernardino or a single local city/county/state government office. A brief review of the history of public housing will outline problems that began almost as soon as public housing was made available to the people who needed it. Corruption, fraud and waste in public housing …show more content…

Setting “official” labels aside, public housing is known almost universally across the United States as “the projects”. Public housing has been broadly stereotyped and stigmatized by this label and predisposition to think of public housing in general as areas to avoid. In addition to long-held stereotypes of public housing is a general atmosphere of complacency among citizens whose homes and businesses are geographically removed from the view of public housing buildings. This same sense of complacency is firmly attached to a nearly universal mindset of “out of sight, out of mind”, until “the projects” are bathed in the ultra-bright lights of emergency vehicles [police-fire-ambulance and occasionally Coroner] and TV news

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