
Affirmative Action Programs Should Be Legal

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According to our textbook, institutions or organizations involves with affirmative action programs in order to improve opportunities or provide compensations for individuals that belong to omitted groups in the U.S history. While affirmative action programs are prevalent in a numerous of fields, employment and education are the two most active fields that focus on the affirmative action. In many associations and other cases, the affirmative action can be considered as a series of privileged programs. These programs will offer historically excluded groups or oppressed groups, such as women and minorities, the chance to have equivalent accesses to those associations or certain divisions. As the result, these policies are claimed to promote “diversity in schools and workplaces” (Clarkson, Miller, and Cross 696).
However, affirmative action policies raise up questions about whether they are constitutional or not. The programs may even conflict with the Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection clause. Furthermore, recently, some people debate that certain school’s admissions have deliberated race as an advantaged factor for accepting applicants. These actions are obviously unconstitutional (Clarkson, Miller, and Cross 697). To go over the context of the book and cover more on affirmative action, this paper will talk further about the background on affirmative action, affirmative action’s coverage on different fields, cases law, and the possible “outcomes” of the affirmative

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