
Aengus And Johnson: The Joys Of Overcoming Successful

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INTRODUCTION To overcome your goal you have to try your hardest. You must never give up. Find what is inside you. Most importantly, have faith in yourself. Such as, Aengus and Johnson. They overcame their goals by attacking their hardships, tried their best, and avoiding any obstacles in their way.Overcome your goals by attacking your hardships, try your best, and it avoid every single obstacle in your way. you can overcome! Believe in yourself and all that you are. know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle! Aengus wandered [(looked) "YEAH RIGHT!" This dude, probably eatin' them chips by the t.v., like a stinkin' chouch potato LOL] for a long time [(until he was old) an OLD FLATULENCE, and looked like a STINKY …show more content…

For example, there are many other different obstacles that come up while raising a child. This would put a stop on your education making it very difficult for you to graduate, or go to college. The lack of having an education would make finding a job very trying. Even when you find a job it would be at minimum wage, you would have to work full time to make ends meet. Saving money is very important skill to possess when you are expecting a child. Another aspect of having a child is finding somewhere that your baby and you can have a safe and secure home to live. That is a real risk a hardship to go through. I knew that I am a strong enough person to get through all the different challenges and obstacles in life. Here is some examples: Since I have been with my parents practically my whole life. They have taught me manners and things that I should not do. I could use that in my life to get through obstacles. Since kindergarten to 7th grade. In kinder my A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P... you get the point. Anyway, My was very useful through life. Imagine if I did not learn my . What would have happen. Want to know what would

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