
Advertising Influences Our Everyday Lives

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Advertising influences our everyday lives. Many advertisements today use offensive tactics. This technique is used to capture the audience’s attention, not necessarily to sell a product. Kilbourne in “In Your Face…All Over the Place” Advertising Is Our Environment” talks about “how advertising is our environment” (89). Advertising is more than just selling a procut. According to Kilbourne “Even more important, advertising corrupts our language and thus influences our ability to think clearly” (101). IN the Old Spice advertisement for body wash, smell like a man, man, the ad depicts an idealized body image and idealized masculinity for men. According to Old Spice, the ideal man is strong, adventurous, dominating, and can easily seduce women. Old Spice is using sexism to promote its products. In the Old Spice body wash ad, there is a shower and a tub in the bathroom. The bathroom is very clean. Two models are in the ad. One is female and the other is male. The female is a white woman in her twenties with long black hair. She doesn’t look like the average women. The female doesn’t have any wrinkle or scars. She looks like the perfect female. She is made up to look like the women that men get if they use Old spice. She is standing outside of the shower wearing just a white towel. She is staring up at the male like she is idolizing him. Her facial expressions show that she thinks that this man is the perfect man. The ad puts the female bellow the

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