
Adversity In Stephen Crane's The Red Badge Of Courage

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The Red Badge of Courage There are struggles that all humans go through. Even though there are certain difficulties some will never experience, like pregnancy, the whole world has and will continue to have troubles. From stubbing a toe, to being diagnosed with cancer, every person in all of history has undergone adversity. Even though some people may have troubles bigger than others, everyone has troubles. Since struggles are undeniably something everyone goes through, it is important on how one approaches troubles. In the end, how people react to adversity is what separates a champion and a failure. In the book, The Red Badge of Courage, the author, Stephen Crane, shows through the story of Henry’s adversity, that the differences between winners …show more content…

Nevertheless, this can lead to many of them become addicted to these drugs and alcohol, not to mention the sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies that seem appear in the blink of an eye. Why do they seem to appear quickly? Because these young people do not look far enough into the likely result of their idiotic decisions. They have no long-term in mind, just like Henry had no long term goal when signing up for the army. Henry Fleming not only has an absence of long term goals, but has doubt in himself, that he will run from battle(Chap.2). His doubt later comes true, when he does in fact run from the fight. Perhaps if Henry would have thrown his doubts away, he would have stood his ground. Everyone has doubts, yet a champion must take away the negative or they will start thinking in a negative manner. When working for victory, people must not only take out the negative but bring in the positive. Henry has encouraging friends, that do not run from battle(Chap.2). Successful people surround themselves with successful role models. There is a reason that President Obama does not hang out with El Chapo. Because the people one surrounds themselves with, are the people they will be. Since President Obama represents the great United States of America, he must surround himself with great successful and great people. The biggest difference between a lazy “couch potato”, and a world class runner is simple. The world class runner …show more content…

That does not mean champions are flawless. In fact, sometimes champions make the most mistakes out of anyone, but instead of making excuses, they accept that they failed (but do not except failure), learn from their failure, and try again. Thomas Edison stated "I didn't fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps." "Great success is built on failure, frustration, even catastrophe." Thomas Edison, who invented the lightbulb, which is one of the most commonly used electrical items in many homes, chose to recognize his failure, but not accept it. Thomas Edison made no excuses, instead, he just kept working at it! Ty Pennington, well known as the host on the TV show, Extreme Home Makeover, was pulled over and received 3 years of probation in May of 2007. He stated "Drinking and driving is never acceptable. I have pleaded no contest and will abide by the court's ruling. I hope this experience can help others as much as it has helped me." Ty immediately recognized that he was wrong, and took it as a learning experience. Unlike Henry, Ty made no

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