
Adversity In Nightjohn By Gary Paulsen

Decent Essays

In the novel Nightjohn by Gary Paulsen, the common theme tackle adversity when times get rough is conveyed throughout the story. Many events that occur often show many adversity the slaves had to overcome by accepting horrific punishments. For instance, when Sarny the protagonist of the story begins to learn new letters and words from Nightjohn, she gets very excited that she scribbled the word “Bag” in the dirt, but was caught doing so by the slaves’ master Clel Waller. “ Tell what your doing… I didn’t say anything… What are you scribbling in the dirt… I thought I’ll lie (Paulsen 62). Sarny was caught scribbling the new word, and she tried to avoid the trouble she had just created, by lying to Waller. Although, Sarny had thought for a mere second that her …show more content…

Running to the quarter only made things worse, for Clel Waller stormed in, and took Mammy when she lied about not knowing who taught Sarny to read and write. “ He’s going to whip you, I said. I was crying. She sighed. Soft sound… Birds sure to sing a nice song” (Paulsen 65). Mammy although fearing her punishment, tried to calm Sarny. Even though Sarny was the one who got her into this mess, Mammy was calm. Eventually, came nightfall and Waller came out of the White house on the plantation, without a whip in his hands. Instead he made mammy pull a horse wagon with him on it, it was strenuous work; however, Mammy persevered. It wasn’t until Nightjohn had admitted to teaching Sarny that Waller punished him by chopping off his two middle toes. Even after the pain and agony Nightjohn had gone through he still continued to teach Sarny. “ The next letter is H. It sounds huhh or hehh… Are you addled in the Brain? asked Mammy” (Paulsen 79). Nightjohn continued to teach Sarny even after his cruel punishment which made Mammy think he must be crazy. No person would ever continue doing what caused their toes to be cut off. However, Nightjohn took into account what had just happened to his toes, but remembered his

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