Author : Minh Duc Vu
Student number: 18747372
Executive summary
This report will be outlining advantages and disadvantages of biofuel and feedstock production used to manufacture biomass energy. There will be an in-depth analysis of the feedstock needed as well as its impacts in terms of science, engineering, social and environment, economic and politic.
It is well known that most of the activities depend on the fuel, especially petroleum based fuels like fossil fuel, gasoline and diesel fuel. As the demand for fuels increasing rapidly, biomass becomes one of the most alternative technologies used to produce liquid fuels. According to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (2016), it is currently already a
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Majority of feedstock of biomass come from wood, wood wastes, agricultural crops including waste such as animal waste or from food processing. According to Demirbas A (2000), about 64 percent of biomass energy is generated from wood and wood waste, followed by municipal solid waste with 24 percent, agricultural waste and landfill gases have the same 5 percent. Additionally, the feedstock of biomass can come from ocean and freshwater habitats as well. Biomass has been important, accounting for 7% of world primary energy consumption in 2000 (Fernandes, S.D, 2007), or roughly one-third of the energy from sources other than fossil fuels (Sabine, C.L, 2000), compared to less than 1% of the global energy demand on renewable energies such as wind and solar (Energy Information Administration (2007) International Primary Energy Production).
b. Engineering
The feedstock of biomass which has different properties are different from many alternative energy sources. Thus, biomass can be converted to energy through many processes depending on kinds of materials used. There are some common biomass conversion processes: Different types of fuels obtainable from biomass.
- Combustion is the process where materials are burned in the chamber combined with oxygen or air to release heat. This method is the most common by which biomass can be used for energy.
- Gasification is the process where biomass is changed
However, despite its many advantages biomass still has many disadvantages. Firstly it is not as efficient as fossil fuels, for example the ethanol produced for cars via biomass is not even close to the efficiency of petrol and does damage to engines over time. It also has the potential to harm the environment through increase of methane gases which are produced as a bi-product if animal and human waste is used. Biomass also requires a large distance away from residential areas in order to burn it and a large amount of fuel in comparison to other energy sources which can have dramatic effects if large portions of forests are cut down to provide lumber.1
To solve the rigorous threat to earth from global warming, bio-fuels serve as the most feasible source of energy all over the world. The environmental and economical performance of bio-fuel as compared to fossil fuel was analyzed by full Life Cycle Analyses (LCA) in Spain. The Spanish government CIEMAT, carried out two LCA’s so as to compare ethanol-ethanol mixtures with gasoline, and biodiesel-biodiesel mixtures with fuel oil according to ISO 14040-43 standards, these standards evaluate energy and mass balance for two or more objects. It was concluded that carbon dioxide emission during utilization of bio-fuel are lower than fossil fuel and bio-fuel requires less primary energy to be processed than fossil fuels. Bob Dinneen, President and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association submitted the letter to the editor of The Gazette in which he marked that “On an environmental level, conventional ethanol is reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 34% compared to petroleum, including hypothetical land use change emissions” (qtd. in renewable fuel association). As the raw material for
“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain” (The Dark Knight). There is a certain monstrosity that lives inside of everyone, and all it takes is a particular situation to highlight this truth. Monstrosity destroys the categories that humans tend to place objects and people into. When one contemplates what classifies as monstrous, many immediately consider biological categories that a monster might shatter. Nevertheless, a monster’s actions can also lead to a fracturing of categorization, such as in The Dark Knight (2008) when Gotham’s district attorney Harvey Dent becomes the villainous Two-Face. Throughout the movie, Dent evolves from a symbol of hope and justice, to a vengeful anarchist determined
In the article, the Burning Question, the issue of biomass energy via wood pellets was brought to question. This subject has deeply divided scientists, primarily from the chemistry and environmental science disciplines, economists, and politicians. Currently the use of wood pellets for energy, under the European Union, is classified as a carbon-neutral fuel. The argument for this designation lies in the regeneration of trees to take up the carbon released from burning past trees. However, many scientists call foul, basing their argument on the substantial lag period between burning trees and the regeneration of them. This period has led many to worry that such actions will worsen the current global warming crisis. Biomass energy plants produce,
An advantage biofuel has which will benefit the society is it’s cost benefit. The current cost of biofuel is approximately the same amount for gasoline, however the overall benefits of using biofuel is much higher. Biofuels are cleaner fuels meaning that they produce fewer emissions when burning. The biofuel industry is expected to fuel economic development in poor rural countries, allowing these 3rd world countries to develop with more economic stability as it also creates room for employment. Also, biofuel will also increase the demand for suitable biofuel crops, which enables economic stimulation in the agriculture industry particularly in rural countries.
The Biomass energy is an organic matter that is used by photosynthesis. This is used to generate energy and the most common energy is coming from the wood of the trees, corn, municipal solid waste, and sugarcane. The biomass is used to create ethanol, biodiesel, bio oil and biogas. This in turns create electricity with steam turbines and gasifies to produce heat. The advantage of using the biomass over the fossil fuel is that biomass is a renewable carbon source, zero net carbon dioxide emissions, lower methane, sulfate, and hydrocarbon emissions, and the most important is no dependence on foreign oil. Another is the geothermal energy, in which it uses the heat from the earth to warm things up. The common source is cost effective, reliable, and environmentally friendly. The main sources of uses are to heat homes, greenhouse, industrial process heating mineral recovery, fisheries and also mitigate global warnings. Geothermal energy is more valuable than the fossil fuels because it is an inexhaustible energy source, lot less emissions in the atmosphere, more efficient than solar energy, work under any kinds of weather conditions. The fossil fuels are irreplaceable, create massive environmental pollution and are also causes the major factor of the global warming and the ozone layer depletion. Also the Biomass and the Geothermal are very inexpensive compare to the fossil fuels by almost 50 percent.
Before seizing evidence you should evaluate the crime scene to ensure safety. You might not be safe because you have no idea of the motives of the person behind the crime. The suspects may be armed and at the scene waiting. Once the scene is clear, escort people from the crime scene to evaluate. Mark the perimeter of the scene with crime-scene tape and post a guard
Biomass energy is a renewable energy source from living or recently living plant and animal materials which can be used as fuel. There are many ways in which we could produce this energy such as heat and steam. Also, instead of leaving waste in landfills, we’re reusing that waste and converting it into usable power. Pros: 1. Renewable. 2. Dependency on Fossil Fuels is Reduced 3. Protects air quality 4. Improves forest health. Cons: 1. Not 100% clean. 2. Requires a lot of water. 3. Not as efficient as fossil fuels.
In the world of global warming, all kinds of pollution and fuel shortages going on, renewable and clean/ green energy is increasingly the ideal solution of energy related problems we have to solve one way or another. Biofuel is one of the mainstream and highly supported solutions nowadays, an idea to make renewable fuel by living organisms such as fiber, corn, vegetable oil or sugar cane. Unlike nonrenewable fossil fuels over extracted by people causing various environmental problems like generating a considerable amount greenhouse gas, current technology already lets renewable fuel like biofuels to shrink a certain amount of greenhouse gas production, making it a more ‘clean’ source of energy.
Biotechnology has played a vital role in reducing the green house effect and in producing a cleaner planet. Because of the worldwide economic and environmental concerns regarding the use of petro-chemicals, extensive research has been conducted on residual biomass. Significant progress has been made in the field of lignocellulose biotechnology. Lignocellulosic waste materials have been used in the production of bio-fuels, enzymes, chemicals, the pulp and paper, animal feed and composites (Iqbal, 2013). Moreover, algal biomass has received huge attention in producing biofuels due to their relatively high growth rate, great
Energy can be produced from electrical, mechanical, and some forms of living organisms, among others. Different types of energy production may have specific advantages and disadvantages, weather those concerns are environmental, economical, or political. While the function of biofuels has potential for abating some concerns, other concerns arise from the use of biofuels. Industrialized nations seem to be leading the production as well as the consumption of all energy resources, including biofuels.
The biggest problem the United States faces today when we talk about becoming energy independent is replacing the gas we use to power our vehicles. When we talk about replacing gasoline as the fuel we use to power our vehicles, biomass, hydrogen, and fuel cells are the three most talked about alternatives. Biomass, which is organic material made from plants and animals, contains stored energy from the sun. Biomass in the form of bio fuels can be used to make the same products as those we make from fossil fuels. Its main advantages over fossil fuels are that bio fuels are better for the environment and can be produced right here in the United States. Although some experts complain that bio fuels release carbon
M-Global has an extreme passion for energy conservation and dedicates itself in finding alternative energy sources that are innovative and constructive. Biofuel is the emphasis of our company and our purpose for this pursuit. According to Green Choices of Cornell University, “biofuels are energy sources made from living things such as plants or from waste that the living things produce”. ( Biofuels will reduce greenhouse gases that car oil and gasoline produce. Emissions enter the ozone layer trapping heat resulting in warmer temperatures in each season. A first generation biofuel will consist of gasoline such as biodiesel, which will be discussed in this portfolio.
Although biomass is sometimes considered inefficient in comparison to other fuels, biomass fuels have two strengths when compared to widely-used fossil fuels. The first reason is the time difference there is between fossil fuels and biomass. One example would be coal. In nature coal requires close to 400 million
In Shakespeare’s literary masterpiece Macbeth, a brave Scottish general trusted by the king is overcome with murderous behavior after receiving prophecies from witches of a future as the king. His desire for power is sparked by entrusting witches with his future after their first prophecy comes true and his unchecked ambition as a well-respected man. The problem with mixing violence with ambition is exhibited in this play a dangerous combination. Through extended metaphors and indirect characterization, Shakespeare in Macbeth depicts how reliance amidst an illusion of power induces corruption.