
Advantages Of Biofuel And Feedstock Production

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Author : Minh Duc Vu
Student number: 18747372
Executive summary
This report will be outlining advantages and disadvantages of biofuel and feedstock production used to manufacture biomass energy. There will be an in-depth analysis of the feedstock needed as well as its impacts in terms of science, engineering, social and environment, economic and politic.

It is well known that most of the activities depend on the fuel, especially petroleum based fuels like fossil fuel, gasoline and diesel fuel. As the demand for fuels increasing rapidly, biomass becomes one of the most alternative technologies used to produce liquid fuels. According to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (2016), it is currently already a …show more content…

Majority of feedstock of biomass come from wood, wood wastes, agricultural crops including waste such as animal waste or from food processing. According to Demirbas A (2000), about 64 percent of biomass energy is generated from wood and wood waste, followed by municipal solid waste with 24 percent, agricultural waste and landfill gases have the same 5 percent. Additionally, the feedstock of biomass can come from ocean and freshwater habitats as well. Biomass has been important, accounting for 7% of world primary energy consumption in 2000 (Fernandes, S.D, 2007), or roughly one-third of the energy from sources other than fossil fuels (Sabine, C.L, 2000), compared to less than 1% of the global energy demand on renewable energies such as wind and solar (Energy Information Administration (2007) International Primary Energy Production).

b. Engineering

The feedstock of biomass which has different properties are different from many alternative energy sources. Thus, biomass can be converted to energy through many processes depending on kinds of materials used. There are some common biomass conversion processes: Different types of fuels obtainable from biomass.
- Combustion is the process where materials are burned in the chamber combined with oxygen or air to release heat. This method is the most common by which biomass can be used for energy.
- Gasification is the process where biomass is changed

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