
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Models Of Science

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There are both different advantages and various of disadvantages of using models to produce knowledge in Natural Science and Human Science. According to Theory of Knowledge, “model is a simplified representation of some aspect of the world.” (IBO) It can be a simplified diagram of how a specific system or experiment works, or a long mathematical complicated equation. Those simplified representations further the knowledge in different ways such as understanding and prediction. From the heading, we can see that we have to examine the advantages and limitations of using models to produce knowledge in different areas of knowledge. Hence, in this essay, I will assess the advantages and limitations of using models in the role that they play in producing …show more content…

It is a device for understanding complicated theories and information about an object. There are many advantages and disadvantages of using models to produce knowledge in Human Science, especially geography or economics. Models are advantageous since they can be used to illustrate the theory and identify the supplementary materials to advance the knowledge. The Globe is the great example, which proves this statement. The Globe is a sphere on which Earth is represented. For instance, my classmates and I were studying what Earth is like in 2012 when I was in Grade 5 as the teacher of the Geography showed us the Globe. It is very useful and detailed visual model which shows continents, countries, oceans, etc. In terms of sense perception, we were able to see ourselves how the earth looks like, how and in which hemisphere 6 continents are placed, the size of the biggest countries of the world. Therefore, the Globe allows the visualization, which is an advantage. Furthermore, through the use of language as a way of knowledge we can identify the names of different continents, oceans, countries. It helps us in identification. It is pragmatic. So, the scientists, such as geologists, use the Globe as one of models in order to find the unknown places and formulate a new hypothesis and new assumptions from different

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